Subscriptions for intake preceding the workshop Scientific identity from the University of Twente, February 13th and 17th 2023. 

Several workshops, like Scientific Identity, start with a personal conversation with the coach, before the actual workshop. On this page you can subscribe for a timeslot for this conversation.

Please choose a first and second choice, in case that the wishes of the participants may overlap. 

This page is made specifically for one workshop, and not accessible via my website. It can only be accessed through the specific link that participants get from the coach. 


MH Tromplaan 47, 7513 AB, Enschede
Telefoon: +31 6 82975637
KvK: 80244610

Linkedin: Ineke

Aangesloten bij: 





Coachgesprekken vinden plaats in mijn coachingsruimte in het Tromphuis in Enschede, vlakbij Enschede CS. In sommige situaties is coaching op locatie te regelen.

In de Corona-tijd doe ik de coaching en workshops voornamelijk online of buiten wandelend.

Lees meer over Coaching in tijden van Corona onder het Corona-protocol