workshop scientific identity 

How to stay faithful to yourself in your work as an academic?

This workshop is about you. What drives you in your work as an academic? How can you make this more clear, more visible, and strengthen it?

How to find your balance between research and teaching? Do you dive in the fundamental depths, or do you bring your science to society? Which settings enable you to flourish? How to organize your job in such a way that it brings you enough energy? Many different questions, all related to the theme of how to stay faithful to yourself in your job. How important and how nice is this? And how hard sometimes? In this workshop, you are offered background knowledge on professional as well as scientific identity, a platform for thought-sharing with peers, and guidance by a professional coach with a background in science and education.

Having a sense of ‘what really matters to you in your work as a scientist’ can be useful in order to take the lead of your own career. The workshop Scientific Identity can help you to find out. When you are more aware of this, you can make choices that are more faithful to you and your needs. You may have more directed conversations with your manager or colleagues about your ambitions and plans.


You will:  

  • Obtain insight in your own questions like;
    o  What does it mean to me, being an academic?
    o  Where do I get my energy from?
  • Get to know models on:
    o   Professional identity and scientific identity
    o   Personal and professional values in your work
  • Translate this to yourself and the ability to get enough energy out of your job
  • Exchange views with peers about this

 Leading to: 

  • A more clear view of values and needs; what does matter really to you, in your work as a scientist
  • In order to get more energy out of your work
Set-up and participants

One afternoon session of 4 hours, with a group of 4 -10 academics from Universities and other research organizations. The group is diverse with people from all academic fields, and all stages from their career.

The session has both background models as well as plenty of room for discussion with fellow academics; centered around some topics on scientific identity as well as your own questions.

Date and time

Friday September 15th, 12.30- 16.30 

Next workshop is Friday Nov 24th, same time and place 

Location: Coachhuis Utrecht Maliebaan, Maliebaan 45, Utrecht.


Language: English or Dutch, depending on the participants



Costs and sign-up


The workshop costs 150 € (excl BTW)




Wat zeggen cliënten van illustra?

“Ik heb met Ineke in een paar gesprekken meer inzicht gekregen om mijn eigen keuzes te maken en prioriteiten te kiezen waar ik blij van word, en daarnaast de organisatie meestal beter van word.”

“Ineke is er 100% voor je en creëert de veiligheid om te groeien. Met haar positieve en authentieke aanpak liet ze mij mijn krachten ontdekken en accepteren. Door haar inspirerende vragen wist ze mij anders te laten kijken en dat bracht mij enorm veel rust, kracht en vertrouwen.”

“My personal coaching sessions with Ineke were scheduled as part of Honours Change Leaders program at the University of Twente. She asked pointed questions that made me think and question my motives and reasoning behind my goals. I think that is one of the important takeaways for me from these sessions: asking the right questions. These sessions were mentally stimulating and insightful.”

“I greatly appreciated the sessions with Ineke, who helped me to move forward with my personal goals.With the help of Ineke’s unique insights, her attention and questions, I managed to see some things from a different perspective and that really helped me to develop further by learning from past experiences. I am completely satisfied and can only describe the sessions as an opportunity for my internal growth.”

“During the eight months of coaching, Ineke helped me to figure out what I exactly want to do, why I haven’t done certain things and where I am really good at. She enabled me to put goals based on my own values and to focus on the things which really matter to me.

Ineke is a very energetic, creative, empathetic and intelligent person. She dares to ask all sorts of questions, to experiment with different techniques and approaches. At the end of each session, she was capable to bring all the input back to the initial question. Ineke loves coaching and this is evident in each moment. And it was fun.

From the beginning, there was the right chemistry between us. I couldn’t have thought about a better coach for my situation. Thank you for giving me this nice opportunity to see myself from a different perspective.”